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Carramar Primary School
71 Houghton Drive, Carramar
Western Australia 6031
Phone: (08) 9405 0600
General Enquiries: Carramar.PS@education.wa.edu.au
Carramar Pre Kindy Playgroup
A playgroup is a regular and relaxed meeting for groups of young children, who haven’t yet started school, and their parents or caregivers. In a playgroup, children participate in organised play activities together while their parents or caregivers supervise and socialise.
Research shows attending playgroups benefit both children and their parents. The regular groups support children’s social development, ease the transition to school, and improve overall health, while also providing social and health support to parents, knowledge sharing, and learning opportunities.
We have a playgroup at our school (registered with Playgroup WA) which is run by parent volunteers and operates on a Monday morning, 9:00 am -11:00 am on the school grounds. By attending playgroup, the children safely explore and familiarise themselves with their school. We hope that throughout the year, the children will discover who they are, meet new friends and create a strong foundation to start their school journey next year.
As the playgroup runs on the school premises, there are some protocols that must be followed:
- Our 12 month Membership fee is $35.00 or $15.00 with a Health Care Card.
- The entry fee is a gold coin donation (this is to pay for any crafts/activities provided during the sessions).
- Parents or caregivers are asked to bring a backpack containing a hat, drink bottle and lunch box with snacks for Morning Tea.
- As our school is Allergy Aware, we ask that fish and nut snacks are not included.
- Our Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1285957411472597/
- Our contact email: playgroupcps@outlook.com
We look forward to meeting with you and your child/children and build connections and support our children’s transition to school

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