Parent Information

Important Links

Carramar Primary School
71 Houghton Drive, Carramar
Western Australia 6031
Phone: (08) 9405 0600
General Enquiries:

General Information

Parent Information A-Z

Download the Parent Information A-Z 


Daily Timetable

8.30am Gates open
8.40am Classes commence
8.50am Gates close
10.40am – 11.00am Morning Recess
12.30pm – 1.10pm Lunch
2.30pm Gates open
2.50pm End of day
3.00pm Gates close

Pupil Requirements
While the Western Australian Department of Education supply text materials, work books and some art resources, parents are required to provide items such as pencils, pens, some text books, rulers and so forth. It may be necessary to replace some consumable items throughout the year as the need arises.

Separate lists of the requirements for each class will be issued at the end of the year for the following year, or on arrival at school in the new year, for newly enrolled students. It is important that all items are labelled clearly.

To develop habits of neatness and pride of work, it would be appreciated if parents would cover all books in which written work will be done by the child throughout the year.

Change of Contact Details
It is vitally important that we can contact a child’s family. Please advise the school know if you change your home, work or emergency address or phone number.

Where possible we appreciate a few days’ notice if you intend transferring to another school, so that belongings can be collected and library books returned etc. On admission to the new school, a transfer note will be sent to us advising of the student’s enrolment and their date of commencement. The student’s records will then be forwarded to the new school.

Communicable Disease Guidelines
Your local public health can assist you with information on a range of communicable diseases and provide advice about the management of specific infections and how to prevent transmission of these infections to others in the community.

Learn more

Road Safety
The roads in the area of the school are sign-posted to show ‘40 km/hr SCHOOL ZONE’, which must be observed between 7.30 – 9.00 am and 2.30 – 4.00pm.

Families are encouraged to use the recognised crossing on Millendon Street when passing to and from the school in that direction.

Parking – Dropping off and Collecting
Carramar Primary School is a large school with limited parking. Parents are requested to exercise care and courtesy and follow the traffic signs.

To alleviate parking and traffic congestion parents are encouraged to park at the Carramar Shopping Centre and Community Centre.

There is no designated Kiss and Drive on Houghton Drive, however students can be collected from a supervised area adjacent to Carramar Park. Parents are reminded to observe courtesy and safety whilst students are entering vehicles in this area.

The Staff carparks off Houghton Drive and Millendon Street are for Staff only.  For safety reasons they ARE NOT to be used for drop off and pick up.

Bus Transport
Please consider the privacy of local residence in regard to the location of some bus stops near the school.


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