Parent Information
Important Links
Carramar Primary School
71 Houghton Drive, Carramar
Western Australia 6031
Phone: (08) 9405 0600
General Enquiries:
Qkr Payment system up and running for incursions and excursions
The school launched a new payment system called Qkr for parents to pay for excursions, incursions and contributions.
We piloted the system recently with the Year 4 excursion and have had some very positive feedback. The system enables you to:
- Complete permission slips and payments all in one action
- Keep a record of the event and activities you have given permission for
- Track your payments and receipts.
- Do all of this through your iPhone, android phone or other devices.
Connect is a secure online environment that has been developed by the Department of Education Western Australia and provides parents with a way to engage with their child’s learning easily and safely online.
Connect will enable you to:
- Receive notices from your child’s classroom teacher/s.
- See information such as attendance, assignments, learning activities, calendar events, etc for all your children with one login regardless of which public school they attend.

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